
Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

cosmetic dentistry before and after

Your smile is the first feature every person around you notices. Whether you look to get a natural-looking smile or have a set of pearly white teeth, a cosmetic dentist can help you. Cosmetic dentistry has evolved significantly during the past years, offering many advantages for every patient. Achieving a confident smile may have been a dream for ordinary people in the past. However, nowadays, everyone can have a picture-perfect smile through cosmetic dental treatments. Above all, finding a trusted cosmetic dental clinic, such as Pearl Dental Group, is the first step you should take if you aim to improve your teeth look. We strive to meet the highest standards regarding cosmetic dentistry services in Toronto and provide our patients with the smile they have always dream of.

Cosmetic dentistry addresses many dental imperfections such as tooth discoloration, misalignment, cracks, and oddly shaped teeth. There are a vast number of cosmetic dentistry services that can help you correct any of these dental flaws, and today, we brief you on some of the most popular ones:

About Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers are known to be the most popular cosmetic dental procedure as they conceal many dental imperfections. You can find dental veneers in different shades of white. This allows the cosmetic dentist to opt for the white color closest to your natural teeth. With dental veneers, patients restore the beauty of their teeth. The dental veneer is also a durable aesthetic dental treatment and lingers for over a decade if properly cared for. Despite all the benefits of dental veneers, not every patient is eligible to get them. This is why a cosmetic dentist evaluates your oral health before beginning the dental veneer treatment.

Read More: Veneers Cost in Toronto

About Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a quick, economical, and convenient solution for replacing one or several missing teeth. The conventional dental bridge is designed to rely on the adjacent teeth, but the modern ones are called implant-supported bridges and more secure. Many patients prefer dental bridges over dental implants as they are less expensive and quicker. However, dental implants are always a more long-lasting tooth replacement method.

About Dental Implants

Dental implants have become the most trusted tooth replacement option since their introduction to the world of cosmetic dentistry. They look, feel, and function similar to your natural teeth and typically linger for a lifetime. If you are looking for a natural-feeling set of artificial teeth, the dental implant is the one. Bear in mind that you should have healthy gum and jawbone tissue to get dental implants.

About Teeth Whitening 

Teeth whitening is the quickest cosmetic dental procedure for those in the dream of a bright smile. Teeth discoloration may have various reasons, such as smoking or certain foods and drinks. Regardless of the reason, teeth whitening restores the natural color of your teeth, giving them a shiny, beautiful look. The affordable cost of teeth whitening makes it a more popular treatment among patients. The results of a professional in-office teeth whitening last for almost three years.

Read More: Best Dentist in North York

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