
Quick Ways of Teeth Whitening


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The health and strength of teeth are essential. Besides, their beauty is also remarkable and has a significant impact on the beauty of face and smiling. Some people do not have healthy teeth because of smoking or having some other bad habits, while some others look for bleaching or whitening their teeth in strange ways. Since we are interested in natural methods, we recommend some simple, low cost, and natural methods to whiten your teeth comfortably at home. Sour lemon, clay, and baking soda help you to whiten your teeth.

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Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking Soda

Sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, is one of the natural and very effective treatments for teeth whitening Toronto. There is baking soda in most of the industrial toothpaste to whiten teeth. The grains of baking soda eliminate the stains on the teeth. It acts as a skin peeling. Of course, you have to brush your teeth carefully.

Instructions of teeth whitening with baking soda:

It is effortless and easy. You have to use baking soda instead of toothpaste. Therefore, if you want to whiten your teeth, you can brush your teeth with baking soda. Brush your teeth gently and slowly. There is no need to use toothpaste because this will increase the abrasiveness of the baking soda, and there is a risk of tooth damage. Brush all the teeth carefully and rinse with water as usual.


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Sour Lemon

Sour lemon is useful for whitening the yellow and stained teeth because of its acidic properties. This natural substance is also used to reduce bacterial of the tooth and bad breath. Sour lemon is high in vitamin C and can clean and strengthen your gums.

Instructions of teeth whitening with Sour Lemon:

First, brush your teeth slowly and then wash your teeth with some fresh sour lemon juice. Do this twice a week, not more, because it is acidic and excessive use can damage the enamel. For a short period of teeth whitening treatment, you can dissolve 75 grams of baking soda in half of the lemon juice and gently brush your teeth with this solution in the morning for a week. Do not use this treatment for a long time.

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Herbal Carbon fiber

Herbal carbon is made of burning off some plants’ wood. In some countries like India, people have used it for many years to whiten their teeth. Herbal carbon is not harmful to the body. Its powder is used to solve problems such as bloating, diarrhea, and vomiting, bad breath, and so on.

Instructions of teeth whitening with Herbal Carbon fiber:

You can use pure herbal carbon powder. Just pour some of this powder on your toothbrush and brush your teeth as usual. Do not use toothpaste because this can increase the risk of tooth damage. You can also combine herbal carbon powder with a few drops of water or lemon juice and make the dough. You can also use this dough to whiten your teeth. It is recommended to use it just twice a week. Using more than twice a week will damage your teeth. Pharmacies usually sell herbal carbon.

Making Natural Toothpaste

You can make natural toothpaste, so you can always have white teeth. You can use your natural toothpaste one to two times a week and enjoy your white and beautiful teeth.


It is effortless and easy. Pour baking soda on your toothbrush. Then pour a drop of oily extract or edible spray of lemon juice or tangerine on it. Brush your teeth gently and slowly with this combination, and finally, rinse your mouth with water. You can also use a mint decoction as a mouthwash in the end.

If you like to get a quick teeth whitening treatment, you can always call our Toronto cosmetic dentistry for more information.


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